The future of health and pharma partnering is digital and needs real data insights.
We are combining an European edge data ecosystem bringing data back in users’ device and control with fast scalable use cases in Pharma and health!
Our Solutions
Pharma and health systems have very limited insights in behavior- and patient data for personal drug development.
No access to primary health data in real time & world.
Pharma & health systems have very limited access to health data for accelerating R&D.
The data economy is like a large glacier that’s beginning to break apart.
Consumers' demand for more control over their data are heating up.
The Problems
Decentralized economic data system
The HealthPod is an end-customer app that stores personal data decentrally on the respective end device and is the basis for our health- and Pharma- solutions. Minimizing legal risks, security risks and costs.
Digital health products
We provide self-determined everyday health solutions combining security and AI to bring anonymized data to stakeholders for insights. We offer innovative digital use cases for health empowerment, partnering and big data.
Big data health solutions
The virtual VitaHealth big data platform will be customized for special needs in the pharmaceutical and health industry. The data analytics platform includes a patient insights dashboard to accelerate R&D.
A growing market waiting for real insights in health and behavior data.
Industry Voies & Examples